Vocabulary for Group 1 Exercises

Word Audio Part of Speech Translation/Definition Examples Other
terra, terrae Audio Player Noun, 1st, fem. land, earth, ground;
(planet) earth
In current use: terra firma;
terra incognita
vīta, -ae Audio Player Noun, 1st, f. life In current use: aqua vitae (British)

nātūra, -ae
Audio Player Noun, 1st, f. nature De naturā deorum (title of work by Cicero) C.S.Lewis Studies in Words (chapter 2)
aqua, aquae Audio Player Noun, 1st, f. water In current use: ĉ aq. (cum aqua) (prescriptions); aqua fortis (science)
deus, deī Audio Player Noun, 2nd, m. god Declension: Nom. pl. often dī.
In current use: mater Deī; deus ex machinā (literature)
locus, -ī Audio Player Noun, 2nd, m.* place *Gender: In the plural, when the places are connected to form a region, the gender is neuter: loca.
In current use: locus poenitentiae (law)
annus, -ī Audio Player Noun, 2nd. m. year In current use: A.D. (Annō Dominī)
amīcus, -ī Audio Player Noun, 2nd. m. friend In current use: amicus curiae (law)
fīlius, -ī Audio Player Noun, 2nd. m. son
numerus, -ī Audio Player Noun, 2nd. m. number
caelum, -ī, Audio Player Noun, 2nd. nt. sky, heaven
verbum, -ī Audio Player Noun, 2nd. nt. word; Iēiūnus venter nōn audit verba libenter (Medieval) In current use: facta non verba;
acta non verba (US Merchant Marines)
bellum, -ī Audio Player Noun, 2nd. nt. war In current use: ante bellum;
casus bellī
aurum, -ī Audio Player Noun, 2nd. nt. gold
pater, patris Audio Player Noun, 3rd. m. father Pater inquam tuus vēnit.” (Plaut. Most. 366) In current use: pater noster (church);
pater patriae
māter, mātris Audio Player Noun, 3rd. f. mother repetitiō est māter studiōrum. (Anon.) In current use: alma mater;
dura mater;
mater Deī
sōl, sōlis Audio Player Noun, 3rd. m. sun (image)
amō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus Audio Player Verb, 1st. love (_____)
dō, dare, dedī, datus Audio Player Verb, 1st. give _____ [Dido] iūra dabat legēsque virīs (Verg. Aen. 1. 507)
vocō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus Audio Player Verb, 1st. call ___; summon ____; invite ____ Dumnorigem [a Gallic leader] ad se vocat. (Caes. BG. 1.20)
“quem . . . vocabo ad cenam . . .?” (Ter. And. 1.453)
Carthaginienses fessos nox imberque ad necessariam quietem vocabat. (Liv. 28.15.12)
quae causae sunt eius modi ut . . . in iudicium vocari non solent. (Cic. de Orat. 1.57.241)
“ego vocor Lyconides.” (Plaut. Aul. 4.10.49)
respondeō, -ēre, respondī, responsus Audio Player Verb, 2nd. answer (_____), reply _______
videō, -ēre, vīdī, vīsus Audio Player Verb, 2nd. see _____ videor Group 10
habeō, -ēre, -uī, -itus Audio Player Verb, 2nd. have _____; regnum . . . quod pater ante habuerit (Caes. BG. I.3)
ipsum ex Helvetiis uxorem habere (Caes. BG. I.18)
In current use: habeas corpus (law)
consider _____ _____, regard (someone/something to be something) [have an opinion about] [eos] reductos in hostium numero habuit (Case. BG. I.28)
divus habebitur Augustus (Hor. C. 3.5.2)
sese illum non pro amico sed pro hoste habiturum[esse] (Caes. BG. I.44)

deliver (a speech)  Hac oratione habita (Caes. BG. I.33 et al.)
sum, esse, fuī, futūrus Audio Player Verb, irregular. be Conjugation
possum, posse, potuī Audio Player Verb, irregular be able
mittō, -ere, mīsī, missus Audio Player Verb, 3rd. send ______
vīvō, -ere, vīxī, vīctūrus Audio Player Verb, 3rd live; be alive Synonyms;
In current use: modus vīvendī
capiō, -ere, cēpī, captus Audio Player Verb, 3rd -io take ____, seize ____, capture ____
multus, -a, -um 1st/2nd Adj. sing: much ____;
pl. many
multī [hominēs]: many people
multa: many things
bonus, -a, -um Audio Player 1st/2nd Adj. good In current use: prō bonō [publicō]
dīvus, -a, -um Audio Player 1st/2nd Adj. god-like, of a deity, divine; deified tuque, o, . . . diva parens (Verg. Aen. 6.197
divum pater atque hominum rex (Verg. Aen.10.743 et al.)
divus habebitur Augustus (Hor. C. 3.5.2)
Declension: gen. pl. often divum
Common in Vergil (and poetry); also of deified emperors
altus, -a, -um Audio Player 1st/2nd Adj. high, tall; deep; lofty sub moenibus altis (Verg. Aen. 1.95)
ignipotens caelo descendit ab alto. (Verg. Aen. 8.423)

sub ramis arboris altae(Lucr. 2.30)

monte sub alto (Verg. Aen. 11.849)

[in] terris iactatus et alto[mari] (Verg. Aen. 1.3)
altissima flumina (Caes.BC 3.77)
quamquam vis alto vulnere tardat. (Verg. Aen. 10.857)
sub alto pectore (Verg. Aen. 6.599-600)
somno quibus est opus alto. (Hor. Serm. 2.1.8)
Roma (Ovid)**
novus, -a, -um Audio Player 1st/2nd Adj. new; recent In current use: dē novō;
novus ordo s[a]eclōrum
certus, -a, -um Audio Player 1st/2nd Adj. certain
sacer, sacra, sacrum Audio Player 1st/2nd Adj. set apart as consecrated to a deity; sacred, holy; (Diana to pregnant Callisto) “. . . nec sacros pollue fontīs” (Ov. Met. 2.464)
(of Marcellus, the victorious general) aedificiis omnibus, publicis, privatis, sacris, profanis sic pepercit (Cic. Verr.
(of a sacrificial victim) cum sanguine sacro (Cat. 68.75)
(penalty for anyone who harmed a plebeian tribune) ut eius caput Iovi sacrum esset (Liv. 3.55.7)
Synonyms (sanctus)
set apart to a deity as accursed
ūnus, -a, -um Audio Player adj. (Pronoun Declension) one flōs ūnus nōn facit hortum. (anon.)
duo, duae, duo Audio Player Dual Declension two Erant omnino itinera duo(Caes. BG I.6)
Duōs quī sequitur leporēs neutrum capit. (Medieval) (lepus, leporis hare, rabbit)
trēs, tria Audio Player 3rd (-i stem) Adj. three
ego, mihi, mē; nōs, nōbīs, nōs Audio Player Pronoun ego: I
mihi: (dative to/for) me,
mē (acc./abl.): me (object)
nōs (nom.): We
nōbīs (dative/ablative): us
nōs (acc.): us
Moneō ego tē (Plaut. Most. 196) Genitive (meī):
Group 2
is Audio Player (Demonstrative) Pronoun this one; he;
(masc.thing =) it
Marcellus qui . . . is (Cic. Verr.)
is enim se primus agebat (Verg. Aen 9.696).
. . . confirmant. Ad eas res conficiendas Orgetorix deligitur. Is . . . (Caes. BG I.3)
Demonstrative adj. this ___  is [locus] urbis erit (Verg. Aen. 3.393)
scilicet is [labor] superis labor est, (Verg. Aen. 4.379)
Quare ne committeret ut is locus ubi . . . (Caesar BG I.13)
. . . diem dicunt, . . . Is dies erat a.d.V Kal. Apr. (Caes. BG I.6)
Quis Audio Player Pronoun (Interrogative) Who? image Quis id ait? Quis [eum] vīdit?” “Egomet inquam vīdī.” (Plaut. Most. 367 Indefinite (after si, etc): Group 9
hic Demonstrative adj. this ___ (nom. s. masc.)
Pronoun  this one; he;
the latter
nōn Audio Player Adverb not Word order
nunc Audio Player Adv. now Law: nunc pro tunc
semper Audio Player Adv. always Phrases: semper fidelis
tam Audio Player Adv. so ___ tam facilem (Hor. Serm. I.1.22)
tam diu (Caes. BG I.12)
tam fortis (Caes. BG. VI.39)
tam barbara (Verg. Aen. I.539)
tam dira (Verg. Aen. VI.373 et al.)
hīc Audio Player Adv. here; (in this place) (Epitaph) Hīc situs est Phaethon (Ov. Met. II.327)
Neo hīc fuit. (graffiti from Pompeii)
cum Audio Player preposition + abl. with;
mēcum (with me),
nōbīscum (with us)
For Subordinating conjunction: Group 4;
In current use: cum grano salis;
vade mecum;
For prefix con-;
  ad Audio Player  preposition + acc.   to (motion to a place)  For prefix ad-;
In current use: ad hoc;
ad nauseam
  at, near (+ verb of rest)  sedēre ad latus eius (Cic.)
per Audio Player preposition + acc. through In current use: ad astra per aspera (Kansas state motto);
For prefix per-
  et Audio Player  coordinating conjunction  and  Adverb: Group 4;
Synonyms (-que, atque/ac);
In current use: Panem et circenses. (Juvenal);
“&” comes from the Medieval manuscript writing of Latin “et”; the name “ampersand” comes from “and per se “and”” (of its place at the end of the alphabet)
sed Audio Player coordinating conjunction but
Audio Player subordinating conjunction if Si valēs, bene est. Ego valeo. (abbreviated: S.V.B.E.E.V. Used in letters) Translation of Conditions
  salvē, salvēte Audio Player  verb (singular, plural) (imperative)  Hello, Greetings.  In current use: salve, regina

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Here's a tip...:[X] [X - Day]
Did you know that -'que' is the most frequently used word in Latin? Remember that it is a postpositive enclitic; It is translated before the word that it is attached to. It often joins clauses, not just words.