Word | Audio | Part of Speech | Translation/Definition | Examples | Other |
silva, silvae | Noun, 1st fem. | forest, woods | |||
fortūna, -ae | Noun, 1st f. | luck, fortune, chance | rotam fortūnae nōn timent. (Cicero) | ||
via, viae | Noun, 1st f. | road, way, street image | via trīta, via tuta (proverb) | In current use: via | |
littera, -ae | Noun, 1st f. | letter (of alphabet) pl.: literary document; literature; letters | Hanc [epistolam] Graecīs conscriptam litterīs mittit (Caes. BG V.48.4) | ||
cōpia, -ae | Noun, 1st f. | supply, abundance pl.: (military) troops; forces; resources | |||
puella, -ae | Noun, 1st f. | girl | |||
unda, -ae | Noun, 1st f. | (ocean) wave | |||
causa, -ae | Noun, 1st f. | cause, reason; court case | [hos; quos . . . sine causa timuissent, (Caes. B.G. I.40) causam postulandi iustam (Caes. B.G. I.43) | “preposition” + genitive, Group 6 | |
+ gen. Group 6 | |||||
mors, mortis | Noun, 3rd -i stem fem. | death | In current use: post mortem | ||
nox, noctis | Noun, 3rd -i stem fem. | night | |||
pars, partis | Noun, 3rd -i stem fem. | part | |||
vōx, vōcis | Noun, 3rd fem. | voice, utterance | In current use: s.v. (sub voce); vōx populī vōx deī | ||
urbs, urbis | Noun, 3rd -i stem fem. | city | |||
laus, laudis | Noun, 3rd f. | praise | In current use: cum laude | ||
lēx, lēgis | Noun, 3rd f. | law | |||
nāvis, nāvis | Noun, 3rd -i stem f. | ship | |||
morior, morī, mortuus sum | Verb, 3rd deponent | die | Ave, Imperator, moritūrī tē salūtant! (From wall at Pompeii)(ave: hail, greetings) | ||
faciō, facere,fēcī, factus | Verb, 3rd -io | do; make; make (someone) (something) | philosophum nōn facit barba. (Plutarch)flōs ūnus nōn facit hortum. (anon.) | In current use: facta non verba | |
fugiō, fugere, fūgī, fugitūrus | Verb, 3rd -io | flee | Cf. effugiō; In current use: tempus fugit | ||
adsum, adesse, adfuī, adfutūrus | Irregular Verb | be present , be (t)here; be near (+ dative “for someone”) | omnes qui aderant (Caes. BG 1.32) dum adsumus (Cic. Att. 10.16 si ille adesset (Caes. BG 5.29) dies adest (Cic. Att. 13.12) | Prefix | |
volō, velle, voluī, volitūrus | Irregular Verb | want, be willing | |||
accipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptus | Verb, 3rd -io. | receive; take (especially something offered); accept | |||
veniō, -īre, vēnī, ventūrus | Verb, 4th | come | |||
teneō, -ēre, -uī | Verb, 2nd. | hold; keep | cum summus mons a [Lucio] Labieno teneretur (Caes. BG I.22.1) qui tabulas tenet (Cic. Verr.2.2.108) civium iura tenuerunt (Cic. Cat. 1.11) memoriā tenebat (Caes. BG I.7) neque interdum lacrimas tenere poterant. (Caes. BG I.33) | Derivatives: tenacious; tenant; -tain. Synonyms | |
moveō, -ēre, mōvī, mōtus | Verb, 2nd. | move _____ | Note: transitive | ||
dēbeō, -ēre, -uī, -itus | Verb, 2nd. | (+ infinitive) ought; (passive; + DO) owe | Synonyms | ||
prīmus, -a, -um | 1st/2nd Adj. | first | In current use: prīma faciē; primus inter pares | ||
secundus, -a, -um | 1st/2nd Adj. | second; favorable (as in a wind that is “second” behind you) | |||
longus, -a, -um | 1st/2nd Adj. | long | |||
melior, melius | 3rd Adj. | better; rather good | Melior est puer pauper et sapiens [abl. of comparison] rege sene et stulto, . . . (Biblia Vulgata Eccles. 4:13) Melius est nomen bonum quam unguenta pretiosa, (Biblia Vulgata Eccles. 7:2) (Medea fighting new passion) aliudque cupido, mens aliud suadet; video meliora proboque;deteriora [worse, inferior, lower] sequor . (Ovid Met. VII.19-21) |
optimus, -a, -um | 1st/2nd Adj. | best; very good | |||
facilis, -e | 3rd Adj. | easy | |||
Note: adverb: facile | easily | facile . . . Nerviīs persuadet [he persuades]. (Caes. BG V.38.4) | |||
omnis, -e | 3rd Adj. | pl: all sing: every; each | In current use: exeunt omnes (plays) | ||
omnēs: everyone | |||||
omnia: everything | |||||
gravis, -e | 3rd Adj. | heavy; serious; weighty | C.S. Lewis Studies in Words (chapter 3) Synonyms | ||
prior, prius | 3rd Adj. | previous; prior; former | |||
sōlus, -a, -um | Adjective “Pronoun” declension | ____alone; only _____ | S[oli] D[eo] G[loria] (J.S. Bach at the end of his St. Matthew Passion and many other works) | In current use: soli (music) | |
alius, alia, aliud | “Pronoun” Declension Adjective | sing.: another __ ; (negative) other ___ pl.: other _____s | Note: if the cases are different, they are translated twice, using “one/some . . . one/some, another/others . . . another/others; In current use: inter alia; alias; et al. (et alii) | ||
alii . . . alii (repeated in any cases) some . . . others | alia aliīs placent. (anon.) Aliud est enim epistulam, aliud historiam; aliud amīcō, aliud omnibus scrībere. (Pliny Ep. 6.16.22) (cf. also melior, above) | ||||
tu, tuī, tibi, tē; vōs, vestrum, vōbīs tēcum vōbīscum | Pronoun.(personal) | tu /vōs: you (subject) tui/ vestrum: of you tibi /vōbīs: (dative) you tē/vōs: (acc./abl.) you (object) | [vestrī: objective genitive, see **]; In current use: Dominus tecum (church) | ||
tēcum/ vōbīscum: with you | |||||
id | Pronoun/ Demonstrative Adj. Neuter, Nominative/Accusative sing. | (pronoun) it; this thing | In current use: id (psychology); i.e.[id est] | ||
(adj.) this ___ | |||||
Quid | Pronoun (Interrogative) Neuter, Nominative/Accusative sing. | What? ![]() |
hoc | Pronoun/ Demonstrative Adj. Neuter, Nominative/Accusative. | (adj.) this ____ | In current use: ad hoc; post hoc ergo propter hoc | ||
(pronoun) this thing | |||||
haec | Pronoun/ Demonstrative Adj. Fem. Nom. Sing., Neuter Nom./Acc. Plural | (Pronoun): these things; this (fem.) (thing); she | |||
(Adj.): these ____s; this ____ (fem.) | |||||
quī, quae, quod | Relative Pronoun | (person) who; (thing) which; (defining relative: the ___) that | For interrogative adj: Group 14; for quod (“in that; because”) sub. conj.) Group 7; “quod” in post-classical Latin “that” (indirect statement); Translating “quod” | ||
ea | Pronoun/ Demonstrative Adj. Fem. Nom. Sing., Neuter Nom./Acc. Plural | (pronoun) these things; this (fem)(thing); she; this one | |||
(adj.) these (things); this ____ (fem.) | |||||
meī | Pronoun, Partitive/Objective Genitive, Sing. | of me; (objective): for me | multaque pars mei vitabit Libitinam [i.e. death] (Hor. C.3.30.6-7) | ||
ubi | Interrogative Adverb | Where? (always in direct questions) | [Daedalus] “Icare,” dixit, “Ubi es?” (Ov. Met. 8.232) Ubi inveniam Pamphilum? (Ter. And. 2.2.1) | ||
Relative Adverb | (place) where; | omnēs, quī tum eōs agrōs, ubi hodiē est haec urbs, incolēbant . . . (Cic. Rep. 2.2.4) ergo, ubi tyrannus est, ibi . . . (Cic. Rep. 3.31.43) | |||
(time) when | ubi ea dies quam constituerat cum legatīs venit, . . .(Caes. BG 1.8) | ||||
iam | Adv. | now, already | At pater infelix [“Daedalus] nec iam pater, “Icare,” dixit (Ov. Met. 8.231) | Synonyms | |
tamen | (Conjunctive) Adv. | nevertheless; still, yet | postpositive | ||
in | preposition + abl. | (+ abl.) in, on | In current use: in medias res | ||
preposition + acc. | (+ acc.) into; onto | ||||
ē / ex | preposition + abl. | out of; (from) | For ē vs. ex see Alternate Forms. For prefix | ||
dē | preposition + abl. | about; concerning; of; | dē periculīs (Caes. B.G. V.45.5) | In current use: dē novō; DC al fine (de capite al fine Italian < Latin “de capite ad finem”) (music) | |
(down) from ( a place): (partitive) from; of (a group) | |||||
aut | coordinating conjunction | or | hodie . . . aut heri (Plaut. Most. 953) virtus . . . sumit aut ponit secures (Hor. C. 3.2.19) | Synonyms (exclusive; objective); In current use: navia aut capita (Roman game; cf. “heads or tails”); par aut impar (Roman game) | |
aut . . . aut: either . . . or | |||||
vel | coordinating conjunction | or | vel auctoritate sua atque exercitūs vel recenti victoria vel nomine populi Romani (Caes. B.G. I.31.16) | Synonyms (more options possible; or subjective) | |
-ve | coordinating conjunction | ____ve = or _____ | -enclitic (attaches to the end of another word, but translated before the word); Synonyms |
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