Vocabulary for Group 6 Exercises

Word Audio Part of Speech Translation/Definition Examples Other
arma, -ōrum Noun 2nd nt. arms, weapons (especially defensive) Silent . . . lēgēs inter arma. (Cicero)
ōs, ōris Noun 3rd nt. mouth Synonym (vultus)
iter, itineris Noun 3rd nt journey see coepi below
caput, capitis Noun 3rd nt head navia aut capita (Roman game) In current use: DC al fine (de capite al fine Italian < Latin “de capite ad finem”) (music); per capita
mare, maris Noun 3rd –i stem nt. sea In current use: mare līberum; mare clausum; mare nostrum
mūnus, mūneris Noun 3rd nt gift, offering; duty, service Cereris sine mūnere [i.e. grain; bread] (Ov. Met. 10.74)
nihil (/nīl) Noun, indeclinable, nt. (+ genitive) nothing In current use: nihil ex nihilo fit
satis Noun (+ genitive), indeclinable, nt enough (of) ____; sufficient amount (of)
adverb sufficiently Quam [= Eurydicen] satis ad superās postquam Rhodopeius [= Orpheus] aurās deflēvit [had wept for] vates, . . . (Ov. Met. 10.11-12)
dictum sapientī satis est. (Plautus)
tectum, -ī Noun 2nd nt. roof; (thing covered < tegō), shelter, house
nātus, -ī (nāta, -ae) Noun 2nd m. (1st fem.) (one born); son;
inter natos et parentes (Cic. de Am. VIII.27) Substantive of participle of nascor (below)
socius, -ī Noun 2nd m. ally
ventus, -ī Noun 2nd m. wind image
mīles, mīlitis Noun 3rd m. soldier
frāter, frātris Noun 3rd m. brother
fīnis, -is Noun 3rd –i stem m. end; limit
pl.: territory
In current use: DC al fine (de capite al fine Italian < Latin “de capite ad finem”) (music)
ignis, -is Noun 3rd –i stem m. fire
mōns, montis Noun 3rd –i stem m. mountain
eques, equitis Noun 3rd m. horseman; cavalry member
orbis, -is Noun 3rd –i stem m. circle, orbit, orb orbis terrārum
hostis, -is Noun 3rd –i stem c. (public) enemy tanta vis probitatis (uprightness) est ut eam . . . in hoste etiam diligamus (Cic. De Am. IX.29) Synonym
iuvenis, -is Noun 3rd c. youth, young person Age
parēns, parentis Noun 3rd c. parent; (one bearing/begetting) (see natus above)
coepī, coeptum Verb, 3rd -io, perfect only (I) began/have begun iter in ea loca facere coepit (Caes. BG IV.7.1)
nascor, nascī, nātus sum Verb, 3rd, deponent be born
sequor, sequī, secūtus sum Verb, 3rd, deponent follow Duōs quī sequitur leporēs neutrum capit. (Medieval) (lepus, leporis hare, rabbit)
loquor, loquī, locūtus sum Verb, 3rd, deponent speak; say In current use: rēs ipsa loquitur (law)
petō, -ere, petīvī, petītus Verb, 3rd seek; go after
gerō, -ere, gessī, gestus Verb, 3rd bear; wear, carry;
conduct (affairs/war)
dīligō, -ere, dīlēxī, dīlectus Verb, 3rd esteem, love me dilexit [Scipio Africanus] (Cic. de Am. IX.31)
see hostis above
tegō, -ere, texī, tectus Verb, 3rd cover; cover over; protect
canō, -ere, cecinī, cantus Verb, 3rd sing; make music; sound
nātus, -a, -um 1st/2nd Adjective born “, . . . nāte [vocative] deā, . . .” (Verg. Aen. 3.311; 374)
parvus, -a, -um 1st/2nd Adjective small
ingēns, (ingentis) 3rd Adjective huge, extraordinarily large (Orpheus to Pluto) “per [oath: by] Chaos hoc ingēns” (Ov. Met. 10.30) Synonyms
alter, altera, alterum Adjective, “pronoun” decl. the other (of two);
(the) second (of > 2)
alter . . . alter: the one . . . the other
tūtus, -a, -um 1st/2nd Adjective safe
cunctus, -a, -um 1st/2nd Adjective all (together), the whole <con-iunctus.
ūllus, -a, -um Adjective, “pronoun” decl. any
ille, illa, illud Demonstrative Pronoun “that one” (especially of a change in subject to someone/thing introduced in the previous sentence);
the former
Demonstrative Adjective that ____
(after the noun): the [famous] ______
pl.: those _____s
In current use: Dies ille, dies irae (Medieval hymn sequence)
eī, eae (nom. pl. masc., fem)Demonstrative Pronoun They; these ones/persons/men/women/(masc./fem) things eī: Dative singular
Demonstrative adjective these _____s
hī, hae (nom. pl. masc., fem.)Demonstrative Adjective They; these men, women
(the latter)
Demonstrative Pronoun these _____s
quī, quae Relative Pronoun
(quī: nom. sing./pl. m.
quae: nom./s./pl. fem./ nt. pl. nom./acc.)
(man/men) who;
(woman/women) who;
(masc./fem. thing) which
(nt. pl. things) which
As Interrogative adjective: Group 14
quoque Adverb (noun) also; too, (in addition) “Vōs quoque iunxit Amor.” (Ov. Met. 10.29) Synonyms
vērō Adverb but; but (truly, indeed)
sīc Adverb thus, so, in such a way (usually modifying a verbal) sīc ait, ” . . .” (Ov. Met. 10.17) Synonyms
propter Preposition + accusative because of In current use: post hoc ergo propter hoc
apud Preposition + accusative among (+ pl.);
at the house of; with (person)
causā “Preposition” + preceding gen. for the sake of metrī (meter) causā
gratiā “Preposition” + preceding gen. for the sake of In current use: e.g. (exemplī gratiā)
nam Coordinating Conjunction For (giving grounds for preceding)
enim Coordinating Conjunction For (giving grounds for preceding) postpositive
ut / (uti) Subordinating Conjunction (+subjunctive:) (indirect command): that someone do something
(purpose): so that, in order to
(result): that
(noun result): that
(fear): (that . . . not)
Translating “ut” clauses;
For ut/uti, see Alternative Forms
+ indicative: as; (when)
Subordinating Conjunction; (+ subjunctive) lest; that . . . not;
(purpose): so that . . . not
(fear): lest; that . . .
Translating “ut/ne” clauses
(main clause): let . . . not;

On to Vocabulary Group 7