Vocabulary for Group 14 Exercises



Part of Speech




  lītus, -oris  Noun 3rd nt.  shore; beach
  nūmen, -minis  Noun 3rd nt.  divine will; divinity
  āgmen, -minis  Noun 3rd nt.  battle line; army; host; a line
  līmen, -minis  Noun 3rd nt.  threshold; lintel; door; entrance
  fās  Noun indecl. nt.  divine law; that which is lawful, speakable (cf. for, fārī),
  vadum, -ī  Noun 2nd nt.  the shallow; shoal, ford
 Noun 2nd nt.  beginning; origin Urbem Rōmam ā principiō regēs habuēre (Tac. Ann. I.1)
In principiō creavit Deus caelum et terram. (Vulgata Gen. 1:1)
In principiō erat Verbum (Vulgata Iohan. 1:1)
  vulgus, -ī  Noun 2nd nt.  the mass; crowd; throng
 Noun 2nd nt.  price; monetary value
 Noun 2nd nt.  footprint; track; trace image
 Noun 2nd nt.  business, occupation; matter, affair; (that which keeps one from
  ōtium, -ī  Noun 2nd nt.  leisure; free time; inactivity; rest
  frūmentum, -ī  Noun 2nd nt.  grain; harvest
  vēlum, -ī  Noun 2nd nt.  a sail; a cloth, curtain; awning; veil
  astrum, -ī  Noun 2nd nt.  star , heavenly body  Synonyms
  arvum, -ī  Noun 2nd nt.  cultivated land; field  Synonyms
  sepulcrum, -ī  Noun 2nd nt.  burial place; grave, tomb, sepulcher
  praesidium, -ī  Noun 2nd nt. garrison; guard; protection
  vinc(u)lum, -ī  Noun 2nd nt.  bond; fetter; (means of binding)
  pelagus, -ī  Noun 2nd nt.  sea  Note: borrowed from the Greek; poetic. Synonyms
  iugum, -ī  Noun 2nd nt.  yoke  iugum
(mountain) ridge
  officium, -ī  Noun 2nd nt.  duty, obligation; function, office  In current use: ex officiō
  vīnum, -ī  Noun 2nd nt.  wine
  saec(u)lum, -ī  Noun 2nd nt.  age (period of time); generation;a hundred years  In current use: novus ordo s[a]eclōrum
  tēlum, -ī  Noun 2nd nt.  weapon (that is thrown); missile; (offensive) weapon
  prōcēdō, -ere –cessī, -cessum  Verb 3rd  go forward; proceed  Prefix
  prōpōnō, –ere, -posuī, -positus  Verb 3rd  put forth; propose; put out in public, publish; intend
  prōmittō, -ere, -mīsī, -missus  Verb 3rd  promise;
  prōsum, prōdesse, prōfuī  Verb Irregular  be a benefit, be useful (to + dat,)
  dēsum, dēesse, dēfuī, dēfutūrus  Verb Irregular  be wanting; fail
  fore (= futūrum esse)  Verb Irregular  (to be about to be)
in indirect statement:
that . . . will/would/ is/was going to
  spargō, -ere, sparsī, sparsus  Verb 3rd   scatter; spread, strew
  condō, -ere, -condidī, -ditus  Verb 3rd  establish, set up; found; put together  a.u.c (ab urbe condita)
  *instituō, -ere, -uī, -stitūtus  Verb 3rd
  parcō, -ere, pepercī, parsūrus  Verb 3rd  spare, be sparing (+ dative)
  occīdō, -ere, -cīdī, -cīsus  Verb 3rd  cut down; kill
  addō, -ere, -didī, -ditus  Verb 3rd  add to; put to; put on;  adde
  *deferō, -ferre, -tulī, -lātus  Verb Irregular
  dēdūcō, -ere, -dūxī, -ductus  Verb 3rd  lead down, away; conduct;divert; take away, withdraw
  committō, -ere, -mīsī, -missus  Verb 3rd  (+ dat.) entrust (to); commit;
engage in [battle]
  neglegō, -ere, -lēxī, -lēctus  Verb 3rd  neglect; disregard; slight
  dēscendō, -ere, -ndī, -scēnsus  Verb 3rd  go down, descend
  ascendō, -ere, -ndī, -scēnsus  Verb 3rd  climb; go up, ascend; mount;
  tangō, -ere, tetigī, tāctus  Verb 3rd  touch; border on
  contingō, -ere, -tigī, -tāctus  Verb 3rd   happen; turn out;hold together, contain; keep together; restrain; hold back  Synonyms
  linquō, -ere, līquī, —  Verb 3rd  leave, forsake; depart from;faint, swoon  linquenda tellus et domus et placens
uxor (Hor. Od. 2.14.21-22);
[Mercury] terrās linquit (Ov. Met. 2.834-835);
linquāmus igitur haec [and go on to another topic] (Cic.
de Orat. 3.10.38)
 Note: mostly in poetry. Cf. relinquō.
  volvō, -ere, volvī, volūtus  Verb 3rd roll ___, turn __ about, wind ___; think over, ponder; go through, experience; elapse
  vehō, -ere, vēxī, vēctus  Verb 3rd convey, carry;
(passive) travel
  rumpō, -ere, rūpī, ruptus  Verb 3rd burst ___, break ___, rupture ___
  pandō, -ere, pandī, pansus/passus  Verb 3rd spread ___ (out), extend ___, lay ___ open; make known
  requīrō, -ere, -quīsī(v)ī, -quīsītus  Verb 3rd ask, seek to know; look for; be in want of, miss (Daedalus to Icarus) “Ubi es? quā te regione requiram?” (Ovid Met. 8.232
  dīvidō, -ere, -vīsī, -vīsus  Verb 3rd divide; separate; distribute
  pellō, -ere, pepulī, pulsus  Verb 3rd drive, strike; dislodge; impel, drive out
  impellō, -ere, impulī, -pulsus  Verb 3rd strike against, push; urge on, incite
  claudō, -ere, clausī, clausus  Verb 3rd close ___, shut ___; end ___, bring to an end; close up, shut in
  fingō, -ere, finxī, fīctus  Verb 3rd form ___, fashion ___, shape ___; conceive ___, imagine ___; contrive, feign
  quī, quae, quod  Adjective, interrogative which ___; what ___ “in quā urbe vivimus?” (Cic. Cat. 1.49);
see requiro above
  īnsignis, -e  Adjective 3rd distinguished, noted; notable
  tot  Adjective indecl. so many Correlative
  necesse  Adjective (nt. nom./acc.) (+ est or similar) necessary, unavoidable, indispensable
  rārus, -a, -um  Adjective 1st/2nd rare, uncommon; scattered, sparse; loose
  integer, -gra, -grum  Adjective 1st/2nd intact, whole; untouched, unimpaired; fresh, sound
  necessārius, -a, -um  Adjective 1st/2nd necessary, unavoidable; pressing, needful
  geminus, -a, -um  Adjective 1st/2nd Group 13
  maestus, -a, -um  Adjective 1st/2nd sad, sorrowful, gloomy
  vacuus, -a, -um  Adjective 1st/2nd empty, void; free
  vāstus, -a, -um  Adjective 1st/2nd vast, enormous; empty, waste, unoccupied
  vīcīnus, -a, -um  Adjective 1st/2nd neighboring, near, in the vicinity
  crēber, -bra, -brum  Adjective 1st/2nd thick, crowded; repeated
  interim  Adverb  meanwhile; in the meantime
  paene  Adverb  almost; nearly
  ter  Adverb  thrice; three times
  illīc  Adverb  in that place; there
  semel  Adverb  once; one time
  bis  Adverb  twice; two times
  quotiēns (/quotiēs)  Adverb  how many times; how often  English: quotient (how many times the divisor goes into the
  quamvīs  Subordinating conjunction  although; however much (+ subjunctive)
 however ____ (+ adjective/adverb)
  quamquam  Subordinating conjunction  although (+ indicative);
(at beginning of sentence): and yet; although
  etsī  Subordinating conjunction  although; even if (+ indicative/subjunctive as condition)  Common in Caesar

On to Group 15

Here's a tip...:[X] [X - Day]
Tip: When you have to look up a word, make a mark in the margin or highlight it (or write it down).
If you look it up (again) and find it marked, mark it differently (e.g. highlight in darker color).
Come up with a system for learning/reviewing ones that keep coming up.