Languages/Translations of Scripture
Hebrew Bible (Old Testament): originally in Hebrew (except a few books or parts in Greek, Syriac, Aramaic, etc., especially in the apocrypha)
New Testament: originally in Greek
Septuagint or LXX
- Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible
- around 3rd century BC
- Alexandria (under Ptolemy II Philadephos?)
- translated by Jewish scholars [according to the legend: 70 who were locked in separate rooms and all came up with identical translations; hence the name Septuagint abbreviated LXX]
- used by Jews outside Palestine and by Christians
- [the original "vulgata"]
- [other Greek translations: Origen’s Hexapla: 6 columns:
- Hebrew;
- transliterated Hebrew;
- Greek translation (most literal) of Aquila;
- Greek translation of Symmachus;
- revised Septuagint;
- Greek translation of Theodotion]
- Hebrew;
- [A. Rahlfs. Septuaginta.]
Vetus Latina:
- originally interlinear or marginal Latin translations for use in reading the lectionary during services
- beginning around 2nd century AD
- translated from the Greek
- many versions ("as many as there were manuscripts")
- individual books or groups of books (not complete Bible)
"[Biblia] Vulgata"
- begun end of 4th century
- Vetus Latina as revised by Jerome (and others, as probably the NT except the Gospels) + some Vetus Latina (esp. apocrypha)
- probably related to change in official language of liturgy of church in Rome (Pope Damasus)
- gradual process of acceptance
- Cassiodorus: first "pandect" complete Bible of "Jerome’s" edition?
- common since 7th century (oldest extant complete version)
- Charlemagne; missionaries
- 9th century: 90% chance quote from "Vulgate"
- 1592: Clementine edition (Pope Clement VIII Rome)
- Reformation, Catholic Council of Trent; Counter-Reformation
- "Neo-Vulgata" (Catholic new translation)
- [Ed. Robert Weber. Biblia Sacra iuxta Vulgatam Versionem. 3rd ed.]
- []
Note on Canon
- which books and which order not fixed at time of Vulgate
Chapter and verse divisions: purpose: reference
- also relatively late
- Hebrew: based on lectionary passages (paragraph #’s)
- LXX: not standardized
- Modern:
- chapters: Latin Bible: based on Stephen Langton (d. 1228)
- chapter subdivisions: 7 subdivisions (A-G)
- Cardinal Hugo (d. 1263) for reference system for concordance to Vulgate
- modified; shorter chapters with 4 sections (c. 1290)
- verse numbers: Rabbi Isaac Nathan (for Hebrew concordance of Masoretic text) c. 1440
- NT verses: Robert Stephanus (printer)
- increased number of verses "inter equitandum"
- rapidly and widely adapted
Jerome (Hieronymus Stridensis)
- born c. 346 AD at Stridon
- studied in Rome under Aelius Donatus
- went east (studied Hebrew; Constantinople)
- 382-385: secretary to Pope Damasus in Rome
- revision of Gospels (commissioned by Damasus) and his 1st version of Psalms ("Roman Psalter") based on Septuagint
- 385: East again (library at Caesarea including copy of Hexapla)
- 2nd version of Psalms ("Gallican Psalter": what in Vulgate) using material from Hexapla
- 386: settle at Bethlehem
- 391: 3rd version of Psalms based on Hebrew ("Hebrew Psalter")
- Also wrote: many commentaries on books of the Bible, epistles, de viris illustribus, miscellaneous tracts, etc.
Translated: Eusebius Onomastica; Chronica- various works of Origen
- Eusebian sections and Canon Tables
- System of numbering and referencing parallel passages in the Gospels. (Not in Clementine edition)
Contents of Vulgate
Vetus Testamentum |
Pentateuchus |
Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numeri Deuteronomium |
(Historici) |
Iosue Iudices Ruth I-II Samuhel (= I-II Regum) Verba dierum seu I-II Paralipomenon *I Ezras (Esdras) *Tobias *Iudith Hester/Esther |
(Didactici) |
Iob Psalmi Proverbia Ecclesiastes Canticum Canticorum *Sirach seu Ecclesiasticus |
(Major Prophets) |
Isaias Hieremias Threni seu Lamentationes *Baruch Hiezechiel Danihel |
XII Prophetae |
Osee Io(h)el Amos Abdias Ionas Micha Naum Abacuc Sofonias Aggeus Zaccharias Malachi |
*I-II Macchabeorum |
Novum Testamentum |
Evangelia IV |
Evangelium Secundum Mattheum Secundum Marcum Secundum Lucam Secundum Iohannem |
Actus Apostolorum |
Epistulae Pauli XIV |
Ad Romanos |
Epistulae Catholicae VII |
Jacobi Petri I-II Iohannis I-III Judae |
Apocalypsis |
*Apocrypha/Deutero-canonical or Pseud-epigrapha
- Notes on numbering:
- Psalms: Latin Psalm 9 = Hebrew 9-10
- Psalms 10-146:
- Protestant = 1 higher
- Catholic/Latin = 1 lower
- [e.g. 23rd Psalm = Vulgate Psalm 22]