Newton text Leges Motus

Sir Isaac Newton
Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica


Axiomata sive Leges Motus   (this page)

Characteristics of Newton’s Latin

Note: the laws are written in indirect statement.


Axiomata sive Leges Motus

Leges Motus I

line 2 quatenusto the extent that; by as much as; in as much as
lines 2-3 *a viribus impressis: ablative of means with preposition “a.”
(cf. “a resistentia aeris” below.)  See Definitio IV for vis impressa.
line 5 deorsumdownwards
line 6 Trochus: a child’s toy hoop
line 7 recti-lin-eis: what part of speech?  (-eus suffix)
line 8 majora: what does this modify?
lines 8-9 motūs . . . in spatiis minus resistentibus factos:  motions . . .made in spaces that are less resisting/resistent, i.e. the vacuum of outer space
line 10 diutius: comparative of diū.

Lex Motus II

line 1 motūs: genitive
vi motrici impressae: dative (with proportionalem)
*Note the adjective suffix: -tric-  (“mot-ive”). cf. generatrice (“generative”) below.
line 2 qua: in the direction in which; where
line 3 *vis (aliqua): noun (not from the verb volo)
dupla [vis] duplum [motum]
line 4 sive . . . sivewhether  . . . or
lines 4-5 impressa fuerit: tense? what would the classical Latin form be?
line plagamregion, quarter, tract; direction
line 6 determino (1): fix, settle; bound; direct
line 7 conspiranti (dative): (breathing together); agreeing, combining, harmonizing; in the same direction


Lex Motus III

line 4 tantun-dem: (just so much) by the same amount
line 6 funi < funis, -is, m.rope
line 8 utrin-quefrom both sides
line 8 eodem relaxandi se conatu
lines 8-9 versustowards
lines 9-10 *tantum . . . quantum: . . . as much as
line 11 (motum) eius: i.e. of the other body
lines 11-12 quomodo-cunquein some way; somehow
line 12 idem [corpus]: i.e. the first body
vicissim: in turn
line 14 sub-i-bit (sub-eo) undergo; suffer
line 15 non velocitatum, sed motuum: see Definitio II
line 16 it-idemlikewise
line 17 factae: modifies mutationes
lines 17-18 reciproceinversely
line 19 scholio:  note
Newton Leges Motus Ccorollarium I

Newton Leges Motus Corollarium I continued

lines 1-2 eodem tempore . . . quoin the same time . . . as/in which 
quo [corpus] latera [viribus] separatis [describere]
line 4 uniformi: what does this modify?
line 10 haec vis: force N
nihil: adverb
line 11 vi altera: force M
line 12 Accedet: note the tense.

Liber I:  De Motu Corporum

Liber II:  De Motu corporum

Liber III: De Mundi Systemate

Regulae Philosophandi


Propositio XXIV. Theorema XIX. (tides)