History Tips
753 (7 for 7 hills, 7 kings) Founding of Rome
5 give the first digit of the year of the change to republic (509 BC)
3 (empire started de facto 31 BC, de iure 27 BC)
Order: Mr. E (monarchy, republic, empire)
Early Period | c. 1000 BC: Immigration of Italic (branch of Indo-European) speaking people with Iron Age culture to Italy
Legend: Aeneas (son of Anchises and Venus) escaped from Troy to Italy (delay in Carthage: Queen Dido) fought Rutulians and Etruscans married Lavinia, daughter of king Latinus (Latins): merger of two cultures founded city of Lavinium Alba Longa founded by Aeneas’ son, Ascanius/Iulus kings of Alba Longa Romulus and Remus, offspring of Mars and Rhea Silvia (Vestal Virgin) founding of Rome 753 BC |
Monarchy | 7 Kings (Etruscan influence) Romulus (deified = Quirinus) “rape” of Sabine women Numa Pompilius (Sabine) religion Tullus Hostilius (wars) Curiatii and Horatii Ancus Marcius Tarquinius Priscus (Etruscan) Servius Tullius census Tarquinius Superbus (“The Proud”) (Etruscan) expelled 510/509 BC |
Republic | Established (510/509) 450: Law of the Twelve Tables 334-264: colonization and expansion; conquest of Italy 312 Appius Claudius censor: Via Appia; Aqua Appia 3rd century: Greek influence Beginning of Latin literature Punic Wars (Carthage: Phoenicians of North Africa) 2nd century: domination of East including Greece (186 BC) Hellenic Greek influence 146 BC: Mediterranean Sea = “mare nostrum” (“our sea”) 1st century: civil wars, Social war “Golden Age” of Latin literature (c. 80 BC – AD 14) 44 BC: assassination of Julius Caesar 43 BC: death of Cicero |
(Empire) (for more see Post-Classical Chronological Outline | 31/27 BC-AD 14: Gaius Iulius Caesar Octavianus Augustus 31 BC: Defeats Marc Antony (and Cleopatra) at Actium 27 BC: official powers AD 14-68: Julio-Claudians 14-37: Tiberius 37-41: Gaius Caligula 41-54: Claudius 54-68: Nero (fire of Rome) 69: Year of 4 emperors (“secret of empire” emperor made outside Rome by army) 69-96: Flavian Dynasty 69-79: Vespasian (sack of Jerusalem) 79-81: Titus (eruption of Mt. Vesuvius) (Colosseum) 81-96: Domitian (93-96 “Reign of Terror”)96-192 Antonines “Good Emperors”Classical period of Roman law 96-98: Nerva 98-117: Trajan (maximum expansion of Roman empire) 117-138: Hadrian: consolidation (Hadrian’s Wall) 138-161: Antoninus Pius 161-180: Marcus Aurelius 180-192: Commodus 193-235: Severan Dynasty 193-211: Septimius Severus 212-217: Caracalla (citizenship to all free inhabitants of the empire) 218-222: Elagabalus 223-234: Severus Alexander 3rd century:“Crisis” (barbarian invasions; political instability)284-306: Diocletian: Division of Empire (Tetrarchy) 306-337: Constantine: adoption of Christianity capital to Constantinople(renamed) 5th century:barbarian movements;410: Rome sacked by Alaric (Visigoths) Anglo-Saxons in Britain 476: end of rule of Romulus Augustulus last “Roman” emperor [so-called “Fall of Western Roman Empire”] Eastern Roman Empire continues |
[Ostrogothic rulers] | |
Carolingian Empire | AD 800-814: Charlemagne (Carolus Magnus: Charles the Great): ruler of Holy Roman Empire Carolingian Renaissance |
Eastern Roman Empire
| AD 1453: Fall of Constantinople and Eastern Roman Empire (to Turks) |