Characteristics of Ovid’s Latin

Vocabulary: use of allusions; show of knowledge
Orphea (adj.);
Rhodopeius (geographical epithet)

use of related word (Cereris munere — goddess of grain –> bread)
Often the name of a deity for their area

Subordinating Conjunctions Delayed to after the beginning of the clause
Nam nupta per herbas/ dum nova, . . . (Orpheus and Eurydice line 9)
Quam satis ad superas postquam Rhodopeius auras . . . (line 11)

Word Order: adjectives separated from nouns (sometimes used to make word pictures: A B A B or chiastic A B B A (which brackets units)
altam coctilibus muris cinxisse Semiramis urbem (of the city surrounded by a wall)
tutae . . . murmure blanditiae minimoAlternate Forms:
3rd person plural perfect active indicatives in –ēre (= -ērunt) (tremuēre)
2nd person singular passive/deponent in –re (= -ris)

4th Declension Nouns (see below)

Ring Composition: repetition of a word or phrase, especially at the beginning and end of a story, linking the two parts.
postquam . . . suos cognovit (Pyramus and Thisbe line 137)
postquam . . . suam cognovit (line 147)

Dialogue (including 1st and 2nd person verb forms)
imperatives and vocatives

Ablative Uses:
Cause: (especially of emotions): “from (fear), because of (anger)”
Location without preposition in
Separation “from”
Respect “in”

Word Formation

Nouns in -ō, -inis, fem.  (aspergō; cupidō; margō; caligō, harundō; cardō, m.)

4th declension nouns in -tus/-sus (often from 4th principal part of a verb, expressing a noun that is the result of the verbal action)
(transitus; nutus; casus; morsus; contactus; motus; haustus; usus; monitus; ortus; adventus; ortus; volatus; luctus; rictus)

Verbs in -scō, -ere (“become; enter into a state of”). (Note: this suffix is found only in the present/imperfect/future stem.)
(compescō; pallescō; obstipescō; dolescō; requiescō)

Verb prefix re- (“back; back again, back against”)

-ōsus, -a, -um (from a noun; “full of, -ous”) (invidiōsus; perōsus; speciōsus; villōsus; pruinōsus; lacrimōsus)
-eus, -a, -um (from a noun: “made of _____, _____y”) (aureus; purpureus; caeruleus; croceus; arboreus; niveus)
-ilis, -e  (from a noun: “relating to, pertaining to, -ile”)(coctilis; senilis; inutilis; habilis)
-bilis, -e  (from a verb: “able to be _____ed; _____-able/-ible”)(miserābilis; mīrābilis)

Here's a tip...:[X] [X - Day]
Did you know that -'que' is the most frequently used word in Latin? Remember that it is a postpositive enclitic; It is translated before the word that it is attached to. It often joins clauses, not just words.