Exercises For Vocabulary Group 2

Vocabulary Group 2

These exercises are designed to help you practice the vocabulary words, to develop your understanding of them beyond the basic memorization of a translation(s), to form appropriate expectations in reading, and, for some of the ones you already know, to take them to the next level.

I. Choose the correct answer for each of the following:
1. Ubi est? A) Hīc B) Eam C) Tam D) Nōn
2. Quid est? A) Fīlius B) Aurum C) Mātrem D) Laudis
3.Quis est? A) Aqua B) Fīlium C) Puella D) Nāvis

II. Which word could be the opposite of:
1. mors A) laus B) urbs C) vīta D) vōx
2. vīvit A) vult B) dō C) moritur D) tenet
3. sōlus A) tēcum B) facilis C) alius D) melior
4. ex aquā A) ad aquam B) per aquam C) in aquā D) in aquam

III. Which would be the closest synonym of each of the following:
1. iam A) semper B) nunc C) tam D) vel
2. vel A) ubi B) nōn C) hīc D) aut

IV. Which word is not associated in meaning with the others in each group?
1. A) nāvis B) aqua C) unda D) causa
2. A) bona B) melior C) multa D) optima
3. A) lēx B) prīmus C) prior D) secundus

V. Given the following word or phrase, what best fulfills your expectation of what would come next or later in the sentence in Latin?
1. in urbe _________ A) adest B) veniunt
2. in silvam ________ A) est B) fugit
3. Ubi _______ A) fugiēbant B) sunt
4. movēre ______ A) nōn poterat B) facit
5. littera aut ______ A) nox B) cōpia C) lēx D) numerus
6. hoc ______ A) puellae B) bellum C) via D) annō
7. tē _______ A) vocō B) vocās
8. tibi ________ A) movet B) respondit
9. tēcum _______ A) tenet B) aderō
10. ex ________ A) urbe B) aurī C) aquae

VI. What would be the best translation for the underlined word in the following?
1. urbem quae A) who B) which c) whom D) whose
2. puella quae A) who B) which C) whom D) whose
3. bellum quod A) who B) which C) whose D) whom
4. patris quī A) who B) which C) whom D) whose
5. locus quī A) who B) which C) whom D) whose
6. caelum quod A) who B) which C) whom D) whose
7. caelō A) down from B) from C) about
8. lēgibus A) down from B) from C) about

VII. Complete the following, using the Latin basis of the English words as needed.
1. An animal that is omnivorous eats ________ things.
2. A legislature is a body that makes _________.
3. A fugitive is someone who is _________ from someone or something.
4. To facilitate something is to make it easier for someone _________ something.
5. A woman that is gravid is _________ with child.
6. One who is mortal is subject to ____________.
7. Rigor mortis is the stiffness _____________.
8. If something is ubiquitous, it is, or seems to be, every___________.
9. An ad hoc committee is not a permanent committee, but one appointed ____ ______ (particular purpose).
10. An urban park is one that is located in the ________________.
11. A nocturnal animal is active ________________.
12. A sylvan landscape is one including ______________.
13. Debt is what one _______, (or is _______ by one), but one kind of a debit in accounting is what ______________ to a company.
14. A bus (shortened from “omnibus”) is a vehicle ________________ (to ride).

VIII. Choose the word from the list given that fits in each phrase or sentence best.
ameliorated tenacious
copious undulating
laudable volition

1. His conduct . . . was innocent, and even _________. (Hume Hist. Eng.)
2. You have two or three of my letters to answer, and I hope you will be _________ and distinct, and tell me a great deal of your mind. (Johnson, Let. Mrs. Thrale)
3. The experimental drug quickly ________ the patient’s condition, and she was soon up and walking again.
4. __________ of his Purpose once resolv’d. (N. Rowe Royal Convert i.i)
5. Human _______ is the result of so many obscure and complicated causes as to appear at first sight mere caprice and chance. (Sayce, Compar. Philol.)
6. The _________ flow given to every part of the drapery . . . (H. Ellis Elgin Marbles II.ii.23)

On to Vocabulary Group 3